Lethal option book review

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Lethal Option – Book Review

This Have a peek at this website has to be one of the best detective novels I have read in some time right up there with Lawrence Sanders! P.J. Lawton is far from new to the world of writing and he displays excellent story-writing skills in Lethal Option. He shares much of the same history as his main character, giving the detective more depth than could be achieved otherwise.

I think I would classify this book as a thriller-mystery. The reader is taken on a roller-coaster ride from one seemingly unconnected crime into another. The main character is a Private Investigator who has a loyal heart and honestly tries to make wrongs right whenever he can. Along with his military history and police experiences, the PI was aware of and listened to his sixth sense, which allowed him to detect when things were not quite right a lethal combination. In his private life his heart is beginning to awaken after many years of slumber and he is faced with a decision that he is not sure he is ready to make. Eventually the PI encounters something so great that it changes his destiny, and View website possibly his character, forever.

I sincerely enjoyed reading and reviewing this book. Honestly, I could not put it down and I have already begun a second Learn here read this time for pleasure. I will be found pacing the floors until I can https://medium.com/@bushawsallie9228/best-dog-training-treats-29c99c7f03fa get my hands on book #2 to see what happens next! I give this book the highest rating possible and recommend it highly to readers https://medium.com/@gaylenelizaola1/best-fiber-optic-routers-ca6f70ed3e14 who love a book that makes you think.”


Publisher: Publish America

Author: P.J. Lawton